Thursday, August 7, 2008

Where isn't the red?

Where is the Red is a popular sponsor in our google ads, so I decided to click the link to see what it was all about.

I nearly pissed myself laughing as I read it was about young excited republicans. I'm sorry, if you don't pay taxes you just have to be morally bankrupt to be a republican. Anyway, I then succeeded in pissing myself when I read their mission page.

My absolute favorite is their claim to be reaching out young people
"motivated to reassert Republican ideals of organic government and fiscal responsibility in the halls of Congress."
Yeah, those Republicans are MASTERS of fiscal responsibility, turning the largest budget surplus into the largest deficit even without the help of the Iraq war. Thanks for keeping such a close eye on things for us Bush and Cheney! Really looking out for America's pocketbook.

God... I am only a Democrat in election years because the Republicans are just so fucking hypocritical it makes me sick.

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