Friday, September 5, 2008

Will Wright's PEE: The Count Down

Spore's out in the wild in a little more than a day.  Gamespot has given it a rather underwhelming 8/10.  Gaming jesus it ain't, but I will probably end up shelling out some lunch money just to see what the fuss is about, that, and penis monsters.

Btw, the title refers to this Penny Arcade comic, which, quite frankly, is spot on.

I'm personally waiting on Fallout 3 and Fable 2, which will be the final catalyst for my acquisition of a 360.

Musical Tastes Reflect Personality?

Could one of you science types take a look at this? The fact that it ends up reading something like a horoscope seems invalid to me for some reason, but I do like the fact that Reggae and Indie are the only two musical tastes associated with the "not hard working" trait.

Oh wait, they spelled "not hard working" 3 different ways: as two separate words, a compound word, and hyphenated. You're special BBC!

Christ. The study also lost my respect when I realized they lumped rock and heavy metal together...

Food For Thought

Not meant to be taken very seriously
, obvii, but rather amusing nonetheless. For my fellows here, you may find the placement of the top three states particularly interesting.

Something else I noticed, is that most states seem to have an average below average IQ, which really doesn't make sense at all, unless you take into account population density.