Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Offline Wiki

A German company is publishing a hard copy of their version of Wikipedia. It'll be abridged, and rigorously edited (spoilsports), so somehow I doubt there will be much in a way of sale beyond the novelty value. In other news, Germans are apparently as mature as we are in terms of browsing habits, at least according to this niftily stolen chart from the NY Times. My question is whether these search queries are verbatim, or if some of them have been translated.

Also, in relation to the previous post on the Wasp Knife, a followup by Wired magazine reveals that the internal-organ-burst-freezing melee weapon second only to the chainsword in awesomeness was originally designed for the vast and untapped market of undersea divers who regularly fight sharks and the occasional octopus. Not only does the knife kill said shark by freezing its innards and shattering them, but the injected air bubble is designed to float the magnificent beast to the surface before it explodes so as to prevent the blood from said gaping explosion wound from attracting more sharks. Metal.

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