Wednesday, July 30, 2008

HOWTO: Call someone a wuss in German

My roommate this summer is an automotive engineering student from Germany. He's a big fan of cars, beer, and Starcraft, so naturally we get along like a pair of Hefeweizens in a summer Biergarter. Sometime over the course of the past couple of weeks, he used the word "Warmduscher" to call me a wuss. The word translates as "someone who takes warm showers." Lol. Because all real men shower in water no warmer than 20 degrees C.

Apparently there is more than one way to insult a person's manhood in Germany.

My favorites:

1) Frauenversteher, literally a "woman-understander"
2) Kondombedienungsanleitungsleser; a "condom-manual reader"
3) Originalspielkäufer; someone who doesn't pirate their video games
4) (for Jay) Linuxsauberrunterfahrer; someone who closes Linux with the shut down button and doesn't just unplug the power supply.

((Thanks to my other German friend Ute (yeah Lifton lab!!!) for the wonderful link.))


Jay Buchanan said...

Das ist das Beste, das ich je gesehen habe. Leider kann man von den Lehrbüchern diesen Worten nicht ausgesetzt sein.

Wow, it's sad how long it took me to type that. My German is already disappearing...

Matt DeSalvo said...

I like all the motion lines in those pictures. I wonder what the arrows and stuff are supposed to be showing on the "Gothic Girl."