Monday, July 21, 2008


Hello all contributors,

Thanks for being willing to give this a shot. Let's basically just post funny and interesting links as we come across them hard at work. Also more than welcome would be posts on relevant discussions, in a moment I will start a Dark Knight thread.

While there is no moderating the conversation, I think it would be good for the posts to be SFW. If we want this to be read, it has to be more than links to the raunchier side of youtube.

In general, let's just have some fun. I can provide more insight as I learn about the interface and tools at our disposal.

Once we have week of posts built up, we can start linking friends in. This is how boingboing and fark got their starts, and while that isn't necessarily our goal, it wouldn't be a bad result either to have some small segment of the internet following us. I think we are a diverse group with interesting posts.

As we get a steady stream going, we may set up editors for categories and then posts on a subject would need to be run by them before going up, but for the moment let's just generate content. Editorship would improve article quality and give us all ownership in the process, which is a perk.

Just like with ABS, let's have fun.



1 comment:

Epi said...

you should probably change the logo at some point. it looks like the flag of north korea.