Monday, August 25, 2008

We all went to the wrong school...

Oberlin college teaches a course called Super Smash Brothers Theory and Practice. Okay, Oberlin's no Yale, but they're certainly dece, so this isn't the same league as that "Philosophy of Star Trek" crap they spew out on U. of Phoenix.

On second thought, any of us probably more than qualify as faculty. I know I can do a whole lecture entitled "Losing to Win: The Zen of Being an Asshole w/ Kirby" AKA "giving Jay an aneurysm," or "Ice Climbers: Behind the Bullshit," "Samus Balls in Modern Feminism," "The Desalvo Method of Stealth Wanking," etc. etc.

Fun fact, btw: the Smash devs overwhelmingly prefer to use the Gamecube controller for Brawl, so Jay isn't such a toggaf after all.


Brian Thompson said...

hahahaha. God did we ever.

A few other lecture titles
Investigative Research in Projectile Flora - Brian Thompson
Abrupt Termination of Interaction - Danny Yang
Research Methods and Data Collection - Aaron Ring
Hebrew Assault Technique - Matt DeSalvo
Valuing Death: Jay Buchanan (anyone have a better idea for a course title on Worth It?)
STD Saftey - K
African American Simian Studies - Brian Thompson
WWII Motifs in Modern Culture - Lance Cai
Taboos and Geographic Regions Surrounded by Water - Brian Thompson

Everyone come up with at least 5.

Epi said...

MOTH: A Sweater Based Approach to the Theories of Finite Expression

Jay Buchanan said...

* Representation of Religion in Violent Video Games. Topics include Baby Jesus, Jewry, and Allah. (Staff)
* Principles of Controller Design, With Focus on Input Methods That Don't Suck and Aren't Gay: a survey. (Prof. Jay Buchanan)
* Learning from Film: how watching "The Matrix" at least five times a day can make you a better person. (Prof. Brian Thompson)
* Where Do You Go When You Die?: an exploration of various theories of the effects of falling off the edge. Topics include the nobility of riding the Slippy Express and the gayness of killing oneself to kill others. (Prof. Lance Cai)
* Principles of Level Design: an introductory course. Advanced topics include measuring the hilarity that ensues when the level is shaped like a dick. (Prof. Paul Morse)

Brian Thompson said...

ahahaha good ones, lmfao at MOTH: