Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Morgan Freeman Crashes Car, Lives

In yet another threat to the Batman series, Morgan Freeman was in a serious car accident this weekend. He suffered some injuries, but does not appear to be hideously disfigured, avoiding the irony of him having to switch to playing Two-Face. I read other reports of a female passenger, but this BBC article makes no mention of her health status.

The Slippy Express wishes him a speedy recovery because we like movies that he is in.
Conversely, I hope Shia LeBouf's hand gets gangrene and they have to chop it off.


Epi said...

he's too magical to die.

Matt DeSalvo said...

apparently they're in the middle of filming Transformers 2 and so they're trying to do some trick film work to avoid showing Shia's crushed hand for the rest of filming.

Epi said...

they should try crushing the rest of him to even it out.