Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Backlog of Funny URLs

These have been floating around the net for quite a while, so long, in fact, that many of the sites (fortunatley) no longer exist, but it's still funny how these things manage to make it onto the net without no one noticing. Anyway:

1. Who Represents - an index of entertainment talent and their agents, or somesuch.

2. Expert's Exchange - asshole tech support site that wants you to register to even look at their solutions.

3. Pen Island - pen company. This one still exists.

4. Therapist Finder - self explanatory, also still exists.

5. Mole Station Native Nursery - I don't know what this is, but it's in the UK and an animal/plant/hippie refuge of some sort. Address has since been changed.

5. Italian Power Company - Gone.

6. First Cumming Methodist Church - Changed.

1 comment:

Matt DeSalvo said...

hahaha powergenitalia hahaha