Friday, July 25, 2008

Guitar Hero 4 Track List Leaked

The new Guitar Hero 4: World Tour coming out this Winter looks like it's going to have a pretty awesome song collection including tracks from some of my personal favorites: Dragonforce, Muse, Buckethead and Iron Maiden. If this list is accurate, the song variety should keep most people pretty happy. Of course you can always pick up Frets on Fire, the open source Guitar Hero clone, program your own songs and share tracks at Keyboards On Fire, the FoF community forum.


Jay Buchanan said...

I played Rock Band for Wii for the first time a few weeks ago, and I realized that that would have been the absolute coolest thing we could have had in our room(s). It's so awesome.

Brian Thompson said...

Dragula and Fury of the Storm.


Rock Band would have been $220 I think when it came out. But yes, kids in the future will have cheap social gaming and will all be best of friends whereas we had to work hard and curse at each other over smash.

Aaron Ring said...

smash is so much cooler than rock band. sheesh.

Matt DeSalvo said...

wow you're right, I totally missed Dragula. yeah, from what I've heard Rock Band > Guitar Hero but oh well.

Anonymous said...

Doors, Stones, Chilipeppers and so many more!!

Unfortunately the evidence raised in support of this release probably wouldn't pass the Aaron "Mohammed" Ring standard of review. Then again, he's also getting Rock Band behind your backs in a few weeks so he's probably lying to you...
