Sunday, July 27, 2008

My Other Car is a Man-Dalorian

So as if Episodes 1-3 weren't enough to boil the blood of Star Wars fanboys everywhere, George Lucas has created a fully animated 30-minute mini-movie called Clone Wars coming to theaters August 15. Realistically it couldn't be worse than midichlorians, Jar Jar, General Grievous, a terrible romance, terrible acting, terrible dialogue, a completely irrational turn to the dark side, the world's worst child actor, a giant lizard beast, R2D2's new powers, the stupid clone army concept, various technological anachronisms and any other problems you can recall from the new episodes. Still, I'm not getting my hopes up...

John McCain = More Creepy than Anthony Hopkins

My friend Tomek reminded me of this video:

Yes, that really is Sen. John McCain asking "shall I loofah your back?" This was from his SNL appearance in 2002. Very presidential.